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    Akaiza Mota studied Textile Design at the Royal College of Art, London. With more that 15 years working experience in versatile design industries, from high end fashion brand to very respectable high street interior brands. Creative and inspired by current trends with excellent sense of colour and knowledge of textiles and materials. Extensive awarenesses of the market and the textile industry, capable to work within retain budget. Good communication , team working and organisation skills, with capability to deal with stress in working environment.


    Our clients range from local brands to multinational manufacturers. Our textile designs have been produced by Maharam, Kvadrat, Zara Home and are used by Carl Hanse & Sons, Herman Miller, Fritz Hansen as furnishing textiles.


    2016: Long Acre, Museum of Contemporary Art

    2015: Long Acre, Art gallery 21, London

    2014: Processus, Museum of Contemporary Art

    2014: Etiam Processus, Art gallery 21, London